
Confronting Doubt

16th June 2014 / City

Is it okay to have doubts as a Christian? Doubt is to be expected but never encouraged. Jesus doesn’t want his followers to be stuck in doubt. He confronted Thomas with his doubt and told him to “stop doubting and believe” [Jn 20:27). The bible also says that we should “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” [2 Cor 10:5], including your doubts! So how can you confront your doubts, take them captive and make them obedience to Jesus? Here are 8 ways in 3 categories:


1. Find out
Do what the Bereans [Acts 17:10-12] did and examine the scriptures to see if what you believe is right.

2. Self talk
David talks to his soul [Ps 42] and reasons with the thoughts he is having – reason out your thoughts and their implications.

3. False Teaching
Sometimes doubt comes because we’ve been lied to and we simply need to heed the warning of 2 John 1:7-10.

4. Explore alternatives
What are the other options and are they satisfactory? As Peter says to Jesus, “Where else have we to go, you have the words of eternal life” [Jn 6:67-69].


5. Speak out
Talk to older/wiser Christians about your doubts, often the process of sharing them will be the most helpful part.

6. Pray
Paul prayed for the Ephesian church that they might “know” the love of Jesus [Eph 3:14-19]

7. Repent
Sometimes doubt happens because of sin in our lives and we need to repent of that before we can enjoy our salvation and the assurance it brings [Ps 51:12]


8. More risk
Faith is not formed in a vacuum. The only way we can build & strengthen our faith is by taking a risk, a step of faith and trusting God with our lives.


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