What We Believe


We believe in one true and living God who is love. He created all things. He is all glorious, and infinitely perfect. He is Eternal, without beginning or end. One God in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—each uniquely distinct yet equally divine. God is joyful, doing all things for his pleasure and glory. He is sovereign in all things and entirely worthy of all worship, honour and praise.


We believe that the Bible (the 66 Books of the Old and New Testaments) is the true, verbally inspired, infallible word of God. It is without error in the original manuscripts. It is God’s revelation of himself to humanity, our final authority and is sufficient for believers to live a life worthy of their calling. The Bible is centred on the person of Jesus—he is the hero of every page.


We believe that people are created in the image of God with unique dignity, worth and purpose. People are created as male and female—equal in worth, yet distinct in role. By nature and choice all people are universally sinful (with the exception of Jesus), totally depraved and utterly incapable of saving themselves. Outside of Christ, everyone is deserving of the wrath and judgment of God.


We believe that Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father, God incarnate, born of the virgin Mary. He is both fully God and fully man at the same time. Jesus is the only person who has ever lived a sinless, perfect life. He offered the one effective sacrifice for sin at the cross, rose again physically from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father where he rules and reigns.


We believe that men and women are justified by the grace of God received by faith alone in Jesus. The Holy Spirit regenerates dead hearts and awakens people to their need for salvation. The order of salvation is election, calling, regeneration, conversion, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance and glorification. The heart of salvation is the penal substitutionary death of Jesus on behalf of sinners. Salvation is found in no other name but the name of Jesus.


We believe the Spirit is a He, not an impersonal force. He empowers the church for mission. He convicts people of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The fruit of the Spirit is the chief evidence for the reception of the Spirit. He works in people to transform them into the likeness of Christ. Along with the Father and Son, he gives gifts to people for the building up of the church. The gifts mentioned in Scripture (including those miraculous gifts) are available and to be pursued. All believers ought to live in daily dependence on the Spirit’s power.


We believe that the church is the community of all true believers, gathered for God by His Word and Spirit. The church exists to bring glory to God by fulfilling the Great Commission. The local gathering exercises the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord Supper. Jesus is the senior pastor of the church. A local gathering is lead by a plurality of elders under the authority of Jesus. The church is to exercise discipline for the sake of its purity and witness.


We believe that at a time appointed by God, Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead with justice and truth. Heaven and Hell are real places, and all humanity will find their eternal destiny in one or the other. A person’s eternal resting place is dependent on their faith response to Jesus.


Do you have questions about life, faith, and meaning? We all do!

We’d love to invite you to Alpha—a series of dinner conversations that address the big questions of life in a fun, non-judgmental, and open environment.