
Lead Pastor’s Update // August 2021

Matt Sparks, 04th August 2021 / City

Anchor Church, I miss you all! More than you know.

I can’t believe we’ve been in this lockdown for six weeks, and we’ve got another four ahead of us. For some this season is crushingly painful—we have wept with people who’ve lost loved ones in this season. For others, this is frustrating and difficult—we empathised with parents who are juggling work and home learning. For some its anxiety inducing. For others it’s lonely. And still for others, this is a season of joy, change, and growth.

It’s a good reminder that everyone responds to circumstances differently. Everyone’s experience of COVID is nuanced and different. While we all experience this season differently, what I can be sure of is that God wants to grow each of us, and the best way he’s going to do that is in the context of community.

I’m so thankful to our Gospel Community leaders who have been facilitating GCs online. You have helped care, deepen community, and disciple people.

I’m so proud of our creative team, and especially our brothers and sisters at Anchor South West whom we’ve been able to partner with to deliver church online.

I want to encourage us all to keep being the church in the ways we’re able to. Check in on each other, pray, give, text, encourage, and laugh!

For everyone who is struggling, we want you to know that we are here for you. Please reach out to a staff member if you need help, prayer, or a listening ear. We need each other.

It’s easy to allow daily case numbers, news reports, social media rage about vaccines, the looming number of zoom calls, or another day of fighting children to determine the posture of our heart.

I’ve been reminded in Exodus 12 that we’re a people who ‘remember’ Jesus and allow the earth-shatteringly important event of the cross to shape us the most!

My prayer for you is that you’d not be consumed with the things right in front of you, but be able to set your minds on things above, see Jesus seated on the throne, and see things from His perspective.

For His Glory

Matt Sparks
Lead Pastor // Anchor City

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